Thursday, December 23, 2010

Breaking Dawn Cast Twitter List

Christmas is almost approaching and I've thought of giving you my readers a small present. Well I don't know if you guys will consider this as a present. lol But yeah,here are the Twitter Accounts of some Breaking Dawn cast. Follow them to have a personal update and to give them some love as well. Merry Christmas Twilighters! :)

@AshleyMGreene - ASHLEY GREENE (Alice Cullen - The Cullens)
@KellanLutz - KELLAN LUTZ (Emmett Cullen - The Cullens)
@PeterFacinelli - PETER FACINELLI (Carlisle Cullen - The Cullens)

@Billy_Burke - BILLY BURKE (Charlie Swan - The Humans)
@AnnaKendrick47 - ANNA KENDRICK (Jessica Stanley - The Humans)
@JustinChon - JUSTIN CHON (Eric Yorkie - The Humans)
@CSerratos - CHRISTIAN SERRATOS (Angela Weber - The Humans)
@MichaelWelchAct - MICHAEL WELCH (Mike Newton - The Humans)
@TheRealChaske - CHASKE SPENCER (Sam Uley - The Wolfpack)
@TheAlexMeraz - ALEX MERAZ (Paul - The Wolfpack)
@CircaKiGordon - KIOWA GORDON (Embry Call - The Wolfpack)
@TysonHouseman - TYSON HOUSEMAN (Quil Ateara - The Wolfpack)
@GilBirmingham - GIL BIRMINGHAM (Billy Black - The Wolfpack/Humans)
@TinselKorey - TINSEL KOREY (Emily Young - The Wolfpack/Humans)
@MammaRazzi1 - BOOBOO STEWART (Seth Clearwater - The Wolfpack)
@RachelleLefevre - RACHELLE LEFEVRE (Victoria - Bad Nomads)
@IamEdiGathegi - EDI GATHEGI (Laurent - Bad Nomads)
@MichaelSheen - MICHAEL SHEEN (Aro - Volturi)
@CameronBright - CAMERON BRIGHT (Alec - Volturi)
@JamieBower - JAMIE CAMPBELL BOWER (Caius - Volturi)
@Alchemission - CHARLIE BEWLEY (Demetri - Volturi)
@DanielCudmore - DANIEL CUDMORE (Felix - Volturi)
@JodelleMicah - JODELLE FERLAND (Bree Tanner, Newborns)
@LisaHowardNYC - LISA HOWARD (Siobhan - Irish Coven)
@MarlaneBarnes - MARLANE BARNES (Maggie - Irish Coven)
@MiaMaestro - MIA MAESTRO (Carmen - Denali Coven)
@JudiShekoni - JUDI SHEKONI (Zafrina - Amazon Coven)
@AGabrielTweet - ANDREA GABRIEL (Kebi - Egyptian Coven)
@AngelaSarafyan - ANGELA SARAFYAN (Tia - Egyptian Coven)
@GuriWeinberg - GURI WEINBERG (Stefan - Romanian Coven)
@ValorieCurry - VALORIE CURRY (Charlotte - American Nomads
@ErikOdom - ERIK ODOM (Peter - American Nomads)
@TheOlgaFonda - OLGA FONDA (Breaking Dawn Supporting Castmate)
@AmadouLy - AMADOU LY (Breaking Dawn Supporting Castmate)
@JanelleFro - JANELLE FROEHLICH (Breaking Dawn Supporting Castmate)

@romeoisreal - Its me! HAHA